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Technical and Financial Support for CSA 2010
In August 2004, FMCSA embarked on Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010, or CSA 2010, a comprehensive review and analysis of FMCSA’s current commercial motor vehicle safety compliance and enforcement programs. The goal of CSA 2010 is to develop and deploy a new operational model for using FMCSA resources to identify drivers and operators who pose safety problems and to intervene to address those problems. FMCSA held a series of public listening sessions on CSA 2010 in September and October 2004 designed to collect public input regarding ways FMCSA could improve its process of monitoring and assessing the safety performance of the commercial motor carrier industry.

In December 2006, FMCSA held another public listening session for the purpose of updating its stakeholders and partners on the progress that had been made since the listening sessions in 2004 and to invite their input on future CSA 2010 initiatives. FMCSA plans to hold annual CSA 2010 listening sessions to continue the process of updating partners and stakeholders and receiving their feedback.

The results of FMCSA’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study provide important input for the development of a new operational model. They suggest that efforts to assess safety performance and apply interventions to improve performance should focus on drivers. Among the changes under consideration in CSA 2010 are several that would improve the data collected on drivers and would add interventions applicable to individual drivers.

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