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December 2003
Text bullet Next Technical Briefing and Webcast With U.S. Officials on BSE Case
Today at 11 a.m. EST
Available via USDA home page. (01/02/04)
Text bullet USDA Continues To Work With Canadian Officials
To Verify Traceback of BSE Animal
Records indicate that the animal was approximately 6-1/2 years old at the time of slaughter. USDA, Canada test DNA to verify correct animal has been identified. DNA testing was expected to begin December 31 with results available as early as next week. (12/31/03; press release, 12/29/03)
-- USDA BSE Update (12/31/03)
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 2:30 p.m. EST, 12/31/03 - Transcript
Text bullet Secretary Veneman Announces Additional Protection Measures
To Guard Against BSE
New policies evolved since the Canadian case of BSE in May 2003. Certain animals and specified risk material and tissues to be removed from the human food chain, national animal identification system to be implemented. (12/30/03; Video; Transcript)
-- APHIS and FSIS continue to work closely with state and other federal agencies as part of this investigation. (12/29/03)
-- U.K. Laboratory Confirms Diagnosis of BSE (12/25/03)
-- USDA Makes Preliminary Diagnosis of BSE (announcement by
   USDA Secretary Veneman, 12/23/03; video; transcript)
-- U.S. meat and livestock imports/exports by country—annual and year-to-date  
   | monthly
-- Guidance for Exporters   |   BSE Trade Ban Status (APHIS)
-- BSE Chronology    |   More BSE Information

Previous technical briefings on the BSE case:
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 3 p.m. EST, 12/30/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 2 p.m. EST, 12/29/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 11 a.m. EST, 12/28/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 10:30 a.m. EST, 12/27/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 10:30 a.m. EST, 12/26/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 10:30 a.m. EST, 12/24/03 - Transcript

Text bullet U.K. Laboratory Confirms Diagnosis of BSE
USDA Chief Veterinarian Ron. DeHaven considers this concurrence to be confirmatory of our finding of a positive BSE case. The Waybridge lab will conduct a series of additional confirmatory tests. USDA fully anticipates they will be consistent with the earlier finding from similar tests conducted at NVSL. (12/25/03)
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 2 pm EST, 12/29/03 
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast 11 am EST, 12/28/03 - Transcript
-- USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast at 10:30 am EST, 12/27/03 - Transcript
Text bullet USDA Makes Preliminary Diagnosis of BSE
Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has diagnosed a presumptive positive case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in an adult Holstein cow in the state of Washington. “Despite this finding, we remain confident in the safety of our beef supply,” Veneman said. “The risk to human health from BSE is extremely low.” (12/23/03)
-- Video
-- Transcript
-- More BSE Information
-- USDA Webcast at 10:30 am EST, 12/24/03 
USDA Technical Briefing Audio Webcast at 10:30 am EST, 12/26/03 - Transcript
-- U.S. meat and livestock imports/exports by country—annual and year-to-date | monthly
Text bullet USDA Announces Second DEIP Allocation for 2003/04
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the second allocation under the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) for the July-June 2003/04 year.  This second allocation makes available an additional 45,468 metric tons of nonfat dry milk and 2,020 metric tons of cheese.  (12/24/03)
Text bullet U.S. and Central American Countries Conclude Historic Free Trade Agreement

Tariffs and trade barriers to be phased out in cutting edge pact designed to promote economic growth and expand U.S. opportunities in important regional market. (12/17/03)
-- Secretary Veneman's Statement (12/17/2003)
-- CAFTA Fact Sheet (12/17/2003)

Text bullet U.S. Trade Official Briefs Press on Status of CAFTA Talks

Discussions continued throughout December 16 while participants awaited decision by Costa Rica. (12/16/03)

Text bullet USDA Secretary Veneman Speaks at the African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum Plenary Session on Science and Technology

Cites momentum and enthusiasm created by the Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology held in June 2003, along with a follow-up forum to be held in West Africa in 2004. (12/10/03)

Text bullet Secretary Veneman Honors Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at U.S.-China Business Council Dinner

Acknowledges China's enormous potential as a partner, notes cooperation in agricultural-related research. (12/09/03)

Text bullet U.S. Official Outlines Importance of U.S.-Central American Trade Agreement
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) for the Americas Regina Vargo identifies challenges as CAFTA talks enter final round.  (12/08/03)
Text bullet In Pursuit of Opportunity: FAS and Foreign Market Development

FAS shares its long history of foreign market development efforts while observing its 50th anniversary during 2003. More about FAS' 50th anniversary . . . (12/08/03)

Text bullet USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports

Some reports have reduced their frequency of publication, and most have moved to electronic-only versions. Production, supply and distribution data will be regularly updated and available on PSDonline at http://www.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/psdHome.aspx. (12/05/03)

Text bullet Maximum Residue Limits Databases Now Available for Horticultural and Tropical Products
U.S. growers and exporters can identify MRL tolerances for specialty crops they wish to export using databases developed through the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops (TASC) Program. (12/03/03)
Text bullet USDA To Conduct Hearing on California Olive Growers' Petition for
Trade Adjustment Assistance

Olive Growers Council will present evidence that olives imported in a saline solution are directly competitive with the fresh olives harvested by California producers during the hearing on Dec. 10. (12/03/03)

Text bullet USDA Announces $115 Million in International Assistance
Under Food for Progress

Allocations include more than 250,000 metric tons of U.S. commodities that will be purchased on the U.S. market and donated by USDA for 22 developing countries in Africa, Asia (including Central Asia), Latin America and Eastern Europe. (12/03/03)

Text bullet U.S. Wins WTO Appeal on Japan's Restrictions on U.S. Apples 

The World Trade Organization Appellate Body upheld earlier findings that Japan's import restrictions on U.S. apples are unjustified and breach Japan's WTO obligations after the United States showed that Japan's concerns that mature apple fruit can transmit fire blight were scientifically unfounded. (.pdf; 12/01/03)

Text bullet U.S. Agricultural Exports Forecast Raised to $59.5 Billion for
Fiscal Year 2004 

USDA said that American farmers and food processors will export an estimated $59.5 billion worth of agricultural products in fiscal 2004, up $3.3 billion from 2003. (11/25/03)
Read the full FAS/ERS report
FAS Analysis of Report Forecast

Text bullet Bioterrorism Act Regulations Require Facilities Registration,
Prior Notice of Food Shipments
FDA is accepting food facilities registration through the Internet, by surface mail (paper or CD-ROM), or by fax. Affected food facilities must register with FDA by December 12, 2003.
--  FDA Releases List of Harmonized Tariff Schedule Codes Flagged With Prior Notice Indicators (11/20/03)
--  Register online
-- Protecting the Food Supply and Bioterrorism Legislation
bullet Featured Reports

12/30  Nonfat Dry Milk, Whole Milk Powder Exports for Selected Countries (charts)
Global Crop Watch
The International Trade Commission (ITC) Responds to NAFTA Panel Remand on
          Softwood Lumber
12/18  November 2003 World Sugar Production Supply and Distribution
EU-15: Winter Update
Forest Products: Exports of Darker U.S. Species to Japan Soar
Iran: Bumper Crops Followed by Positive Start to New Season
Middle East and Turkey: Warmer Than Normal and Plenty of Moisture
U.S. Seafood Exports Up Slightly in January-October 2003
Global Crop Watch
Cotton World Stocks-to-Use Ratio Returns to Historic Level
As EU, Russian Exports Fall U.S. Wheat Sales to Africa Climb
Argentina: Drought Delays Summer-Crop Planting 
Brazil's Coffee Crop in 2003/04 Lowered to 32.0 Million Bags
12/03  Maximum Residue Limits Databases Now Available for Horticultural and Tropical Products
Poland: Agricultural Case Study
USDA Updates 2003/04 Sugar Supply and Distribution Data

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
12/31  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
Dairy: World Markets and Trade (World Price Charts, only)
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
12/17  Dairy Monthly Imports
Fishery Products Monthly Circular
Cotton:  World Markets and Trade
Grains: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
World Agricultural Production -- PDF  Data
Tropical Products: World Markets and Trade
Sugar: World Markets and Trade (PDF)
11/26  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
bullet Federal Register Notices
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers: Approved petitions are available on our Federal Register page.
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
December   January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August  September  October   November   
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This page last updated: Friday, September 22, 2006 01:40:39 PM