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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ awards grants for health services research dissertation (R36)

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports dissertation research undertaken as part of an academic program to earn a research doctoral degree. Through this program, AHRQ seeks to expand the number of researchers who address its mission "to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans."

Recently, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality awarded the following dissertation grants to individuals from universities throughout the country:

Emily Shelton
R36 HS16939-01
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Payment Systems, Market Factors and Long Term
Care Hospitals
Advisor: Richard Hirth, Ph.D.

Susan Newman
R36 HS 16941-01
Medical University of South Carolina (T32 trainee)
Community Integration after Spinal Cord Injury:
using Photovoice to identify barriers and facilitators
Advisor: Carolyn M. Jenkins, Dr.P.H., APRN-BC-ADM, CDE, FAAN

Jeanette Ziegenfuss (Amended)
R36 HS16565-01A1
University of Minnesota
Encouraging eligible children's participation in
public health insurance: the role of national
awareness campaigns
Advisor: Lynn A. Blewett, Ph.D.

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