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Right-of-Way (ROW) use

What is the purpose of a right-of-way use permit?

A right-of-way use permit: limited authorizes the use of the county right-of-way for a designated purpose and for a period of time limited to one year or less.

A right-of-way use permit: extended authorizes the use of the county right-of-way for a designated purpose and for a period of time exceeding one year in duration.

A right-of-way construction permit, which is issued by the Property Services Division of King County Real Estate Services, not DDES, allows utility construction work by franchised utilities, telephone companies, and Metro Transit on King County road rights-of-way.

What activities require this permit?

A right-of-way use permit (limited or extended) is required for any private improvement or use of a county right-of-way. Limited ROW use permits are required for any construction. Extended ROW use permits are required for long term use, such as for a privately maintained road. Please reference DDES customer information bulletin #31, Right-of-Way Use*, for detailed information and application instructions.

A ROW use permit is not required for direct driveway connections from an adjacent parcel to a maintained King County road. However, connections shall be made in accordance with adopted King County Road Standards (see Drawing 3-003 - Drawing 3-004 at Site Engineering, Survey & Construction).

A ROW construction (franchise) permit is required to move a utility pole or underground utility in the ROW. Typically the utility company, not the property owner, must apply to the Property Services Division for this permit. The Property Services Division also issues special use permits to install benches or other ROW furniture, or to schedule a block party, parade or other special event in the ROW. For more information, go to the King County Property Services Division.

How much will it cost?

See the DDES current fee schedule for an estimate.

Where can I get an application?

How do I submit my application?

See Applying for a permit at DDES and Drop-offs: Permits accepted by drop-off or mail*.

What is the timeline for processing a right-of-way use permit?

Decision type 1: 120 days.

How long is this permit valid?

Limited ROW use permits expire one year from the date of issuance. Permit customers may apply for one one-year extension. To apply, either:

Please note: In order for an extension to be issued, the permit holder must be current on all fees paid to DDES and must be in full compliance with the conditions and requirements of the original permit. Limited right-of-way use permits may only be extended after the first six months of the original permit life.

Questions about right-of-way use permit (limited) extensions can be directed to Steve Townsend, Land Use Inspections Supervisor, at 206-296-7204.

Notes / Comments

For more information:

Legal authority

Chapter 14.28* of the King County Code

Administered by

DDES Land Use Services Division


For questions, please contact DDES customer service at 206-296-6600.

*Note: To view PDFs, free software from Adobe is required. See helpful hints for assistance.

To request information in alternate formats for people with disabilities, call 206-296-6600 or TTY 206-296-7217.

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  Updated: Apr. 7, 2008