Kepler Home > In Depth Science > Related Science > Guest Observers
Guest Observer (GO) Program and Data Archive

Guest Observer (GO) Program

In addition to those stars being monitored for planets, targets may be selected for guest observing based on peer reviewed proposals. For detailed information, please visit the

Kepler Guest Observer Web Site


Data Archive

The data from the Kepler Mission will be processed and archived at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The multiple pixels making up a single star's psf will not be combined, permitting users to perform their own photometry or other forms of analysis. In addition, light curves for all the stars will be processed on a quarterly basis at NASA Ames Research Center.

After the end of the mission, the STScI will perform a final processing and the light curves for all of the stars for the full duration of the mission derived by the Kepler science team will also be added to the archive. The Kepler archive in STScI's Multi-mission Archive Support Tool (MAST) is expected to be supported for ten years after the end of mission.

Kepler Home > In Depth Science > Related Science > Guest Observers
NASA Ames Research Center Planet Quest Other NASA Missions Johannes Kepler