The operation of this public service Net is made possible thanks to the facilities of Cable & Wireless on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, technical support from Icom of America Inc. Cay Electronics of Road Town, Tortola, financial grants from Mount Gay Rum of Barbados and their distributors in the BVI, Road Town Wholesale as well as Village Cay Marina and Hotel, and through sponsorship by individual vessels in the cruising community.
The Caribbean Weather Center's Daily SSB Weather Net for the cruising community in the Caribbean and the SW N Atlantic is a Public Service Net that has been operating daily since November 1993. To provide improved coverage and service to sponsoring vessels, and because of the increasing popularity of our services, we now offer 5 to 7 daily Nets as follows.

CLICK HERE for a .pdf file showing likely SSB propagation & schedule / times.

(Please NOTE: times, frequencies and regions covered during each Net will vary some from season-to-season as we and our customers move about.  Please check this Web page for the latest schedule or e-mail us)  "Bel Ami" is now in Central Florida.

                                          Winter Schedule - Now through Saturday, March 8, 2008

Frequencies(USB) Watch Times AST Watch Times EST Watch Times UTC
8137 kHz 07:00 AST 06:00 EST 1100 - 1130 UTC
4045 kHz 07:30 AST 06:30 EST 1130 - 1230 UTC
8104 kHz 08:30 AST 07:30 EST 1230 - 1330 UTC
12350 kHz 09:30 AST 08:30 EST 1330 - 1400 UTC
6221 kHz 10:00 AST 09:00 EST 1400 - 1415 UTC

     Summer Schedule - Monday, March 10, 2008 through Saturday, November 1, 2008:

Frequencies(USB) Watch Times AST & EDT Watch Times UTC
4045 kHz 06:30 - 07:00 AST & EDT 1030 - 1100 UTC
8137 kHz 07:00 - 08:00 AST & EDT 1100 - 1200 UTC
4045 kHz 08:00 - 08:30 AST & EDT 1200 - 1230 UTC
8104 kHz 08:30 - 09:00 AST & EDT 1230 - 1300 UTC
12350 kHz 09:00 - 09:20 AST & EDT 1300 - 1320 UTC
16525 kHz 09:20 - 09:30 AST & EDT 1320 - 1330 UTC
6221 kHz 09:30 - 09:45 AST & EDT 1330 - 1345 UTC
  • Vessels with emergency, distress, safety or other priority traffic may break into the Net at any time.

  • When TROPICAL systems or other severe weather threatens, we will conduct a Net at about 7pm AST (2300 UTC)...frequency will depend on propagation, and will be announced on the morning Nets.

  • Unless TROPICAL or other severe weather threatens, the Net will NOT be conducted on Sundays.

  • Added earlier 8137 options for those wanting weather earlier in the morning.

  • 4045 & 6221 Nets intended for those within 150 to 700 miles of "Bel Ami" who are too-close to hear us on 8-megs...timing of these Nets will vary seasonally.

  • Use 12350 if you are too far away (1200-2000 mi) from "Bel Ami" to hear us on 8-megs.

  • Use 16525 if you are too far away (2000-3000 mi) from "Bel Ami" to hear us on 12350.

The Net handles between 9,000 and 12,000 individual check-ins per year. Based on conservative estimates there are many more just listening.

A synoptic summary and area forecasts for the Caribbean are given at the beginning of the Net as well as details of any severe weather shown by the latest satellite imagery. During the hurricane season, details are also given of the latest tropical weather outlook including the latitude and longitude co-ordinates or any tropical waves or cyclones and their predicted tracks.

Only sponsoring vessels are entitled check in with the Net, which is interactive. Each sponsoring vessel checking should be prepared to provide a brief report on actual local weather conditions covering wind speed and direction, the extent and type of cloud cover, sea state and barometric pressure. They will in turn be given forecast conditions for the specific passage underway or proposed as well as provided with other weather-routing suggestions as well as passage logging and reporting. In addition, sponsoring vessels are entitled to give the Center's telephone number (1-284-494-7559), fax number (1-284-494-5358) or Email address ( to relatives and friends for urgent "Call Home" messages.

The cost of becoming a sponsoring vessel is only $195 for a 12 month period. To become a sponsoring vessel, owners should fax or Email the following details to the Caribbean Weather Center:

  • Name and port of registry of the vessel
  • Radio call sign
  • Name and postal address (and Email address, if any) of skipper/owner
  • Credit card name and number.
  • Name on credit card.
  • Expiry date.
  • Authorisation to charge the sponsorship fee.


Chris Parker looks forward to welcoming you on board as a sponsoring vessel!

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©None of the text, images, graphics or other material on this Website may be downloaded, used, copied or hyperlinked without attribution to The Caribbean Weather Center Ltd or in other cases without the express permission of The Caribbean Weather Center Ltd.

The Caribbean Weather Center Ltd


Tel/Voicemail: 1-284-494-7559 Fax: 1-284-494-5358
Columbus Centre, P.O. Box 3069, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands