For Immediate Release
Contact: Marti McKee, Public Information Officer
Pager: 888-416-4533

January 7, 2002

Guenoc Winery Suspension

John A. Torres, Division Director, San Francisco Field Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), announced today that Guenoc Winery entered into a voluntary 5-day suspension agreement with ATF. This action occurred as a result of a 4-month investigation ending in May 2000.

The investigation focused largely on the use of a geographic brand name on the wine label. From May 1998 through March 2000, Guenoc Winery labeled approximately 60,000 cases of wine with the Guenoc brand name which did not include 85% wine produced from grapes grown in the Guenoc Valley viticultural area, as required by regulations. The Guenoc brand label also included references to Guenoc on the neck capsule and back label, conveying a misleading perception to the consumer.

Division Director Torres stated, " We are very committed to implementing ATF's product integrity inspection program and will continue our efforts. We work in conjunction with the wine industry to keep American wines competitive in both the national and international markets."

The Guenoc Winery started to serve a 5-day suspension beginning December 31, 2001. Completion of the suspension closes this matter.
