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Title: How do I get on the GSA Schedule?
Posted: Monday December 29th, 2003

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How do I get on the GSA Schedule?

To understand how to get on a GSA FSS schedule is to understand how these schedule contracts are awarded.

First, do not be discouraged by the size and girth of the solicitation packages. Do not confuse the required documentation with the required clauses. Solicitations of offers for GSA/FSS contracts are electronically posted on “FedBizOpps” (, which serves as the one-stop gateway to Federal procurement opportunities. Unlike “typical” Federal procurement opportunities, schedule offers may be submitted at any time. Standing solicitations are refreshed and updated as contract terms and conditions change.

As offers, or proposals submitted in response schedule solicitations, are received from contractors, each individual offer is evaluated on its own merit. So in a sense, you are only competing with yourself and your ability to meet the standards established by GSA for FSS schedule holders. Offerors are provided additional opportunities to submit supplementary information when deficiencies exist. Discussions are held with offerors whose proposals are deficient. Prior to award, a responsibility determination is made that may involve an examination of past performance and financial capability. Your discount practices will be examined and evaluated, with GSA’s contracting officers identifying your “most favored customer” terms. Those are the terms the government wants from you. A price analysis will be performed where prices are determined fair and reasonable based on historical data, sales information provided, and other factors.

Negotiations will be conducted and you will need to submit any proposal revisions to GSA. Contracting officers will reject unacceptable offers, determine if prices are fair and reasonable and negotiate most favored customer pricing. Awards will be made to acceptable offerors considering price and other factors; and your notification of award will include discounts, terms, and conditions of award. If you are awarded a schedule contract, GSA will post your contractor information on the Schedules E-Library (, you will distribute pricelist/catalog, and your award information will be made available on GSA Advantage! (

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