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REMARKS BY: DONNA E. SHALALA, SECRETARY OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, PLACE: CFC Kickoff, Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area, Washington, D.C. DATE: September 14, 1999

Combined Federal Campaign

Thank you, Mr.Winston, for that gracious introduction. I'm excited to join you today to help kickoff this year's Combined Federal Campaign.

On my way to Constitution Hall this afternoon, I was reminded of a trip I took early this summer. I went down to Florida to watch the launch of the Space Shuttle Columbia. It was truly an awe-inspiring event.

As I watched the shuttle soaring into the sky, I couldn't help but recall something John F. Kennedy said about our nation's goal of reaching the moon. We seek to reach the moon, he said, ".not because it is easy, but because it is hard."

Well, I think those words sum up the spirit of the women and men who work for the federal government. Always ready for a challenge. Always ready to reach for the stars. And always ready to discover better ways to serve our families, our communities and our country - not because it's the easiest thing to do, but because it's the right thing to do.

And the Combined Federal Campaign embodies that same kind of commitment. When we give to the CFC, we're making a difference in our community and the entire world.

We're supporting the dreams of a young athlete in Virginia - through contributions to the Special Olympics. We're coming to the aid of a person in D.C. who's fighting one of the world's worst killers -- HIV/AIDS. We're helping a woman with breast cancer in Maryland - who is counting on treatment and hoping for a cure.

And our efforts aren't limited to the capital area alone. In fact, right now, through the CFC, we're providing desperately needed assistance to earthquake victims in Turkey -- helping them rebuild their homes and their lives.

Sure, it's about money.but even more, it's about caring and it's about compassion. And that's exactly what moved me to volunteer to chair this campaign for the second time.

Frankly, I'm proud to be representing the world's largest, workplace giving campaigns - the CFC of the National Capital Area. Last year, we raised more money than ever before - a record $40 million dollars. More people than ever participated - over half of all federal employees in this community.

And, thanks to your outstanding enthusiasm, we're reaching for the stars once again. This year, we've set our goal at $42 million. Can we do it? You bet we can! The only question I have is: are you ready to make it happen? Are you ready to break more records than Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Cal Ripkin combined?

I think you are. Why? Because over these past six years, I've seen -- first hand -- the hard work, dedication and "can do" spirit of federal employees. And, I know that federal employees are second to none when it comes to putting the "fun" in fundraising. We track our progress. We celebrate our victories. And we always pledge to do even better next year.

But it's not just the veteran CFC folks who we're counting on to help meet our goal. There's never been a better time to introduce new and young federal employees to the value of CFC. Everyone knows that the key to winning is teamwork. From new employees to the most senior, it's going to take everyone working together to succeed in meeting our goal.

Just as everyone who contributes to the CFC is important, each player on Team CFC is crucial to success. I'm talking about all the key workers and team captains -- the very backbone of the campaign. I'm talking about the coordinators and committee members - who inspire us with new ideas and encourage better participation. I'm talking about the campaign managers - whose involvement keeps everyone organized and energized. And I'm talking about the campaign vice chairs - whose vision and leadership will help carry each organization to its goal.

Some people might look at last year's monumental accomplishments and wonder: "How can we ever top it?" I'm up for the challenge. And, after having the opportunity to meet many of the CFC team members this summer, I believe that there has never been a group of Federal employees more ready to achieve new heights!

Together we can shoot for the stars and reach the moon. And together we'll win through our compassion, our leadership and our unyielding dedication to our communities, our country, and our planet.

When I began, I quoted John F. Kennedy. Let me leave you with something else he once said:".the energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world."

Ladies and gentlemen, it's up to us to go out there and start that fire. Let's make it happen.

Thank you.
