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Councilmember Larry Gossett -- Text links below

January 9, 2006
King County Investment Pool earns highest rating from Standard & Poor’s
“AAAf” rating shows public funds enjoy “highest level of protection”  
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, one of the nation’s leading credit rating agencies, today assigned its highest rating of “AAAf” to the King County Investment Pool, a pool of public funds that are invested on behalf of all county agencies and more than 100 other local taxing districts and public authorities.

“This highest rating is a measure of how well King County is investing the public’s money,” said Councilmember Larry Phillips, former chair of the King County Executive Finance Committee, the group that governs the process for managing the county’s Investment Pool. “The pool averaged about $3.2 billion last year and returned about $105 million on our investments. This highest rating affirms that our investment decisions are providing the highest level of protection of public funds.”

The King County Investment Pool is one of the largest in the State of Washington. The Pool seeks to obtain a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles while preserving and protecting capital. Last year was the first time King County submitted its Investment Pool for review by Standard & Poor’s.

According to the statement from Standard & Poor’s today, King County’s portfolio holdings are diversified and generally held in higher-rated, short-term securities. The “AAAf” rating assigned to the Pool's portfolio holdings indicates an extremely strong level of protection against losses from credit defaults. The Pool generally invests in high-quality credits, and conducts repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements with highly rated counterparties.

“This highest rating shows how seriously King County takes the enforcement of existing guidelines regarding the investment of public money,” said Councilmember Larry Gossett, current chair of the Executive Finance Committee. “We are striking the right balance between protection of public funds and the need to put that money to work. The return of $105 million on our wise investments increases the funds available for public services for all of our participants.”


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This page was last updated on
January 9, 2006

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