ATF Users' Place

Before coming to the ATF for the first time all ATF users and visitors have to use the BNL Guest Registration

The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at the Physics Department at BNL is a national user research facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The ATF users are served by the RHIC & AGS Users Center and the Physics Department Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) group.

Prior to arrival at BNL:

  1. If you plan to actively participate in an experiment, you must log into the BNL Guest Registration system to request a guest number assignment. Non-US citizens should expect at least 60 days for processing.
  2. After you are issued a BNL guest number, complete as much of the online ATF training as possible. The requirements are listed here.
  3. Consult the Experimental Work Guide for important information on planning experimental work and installations at ATF.
  4. In order to use your scheduled beam-time, you must fill out and submit an Experimental Safety Review (ESR) form. Fill out Sections 1, 2, 4 & 6, and forward it to the ATF ESH officer, who will review it and contact you for final information. Once the ESR is completed, you should ask the ATF ESH officer to submit it to the Physics ESH committee for formal review and approval.

The ESR process may take 2 months or more, so please start as early as possible. Installation at ATF may not begin until the ESR is approved.

Upon arriving at BNL:

  1. Report to the RHIC & AGS Users' Center, (, phone 631-344-7959) to receive BNL training, dosimetry badge and ID card.
  2. In order to perform any work at ATF, you must first complete "ATF awareness" training, given by the ATF Safety Officer. Additional specialized training may be necessary (e.g. laser training) depending on your experiment. Please contact the ATF ESH officer for additional information upon arrival.

And here's a variety of information to help you make the most of your experience at BNL: BNL Visitor Information.

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Last Modified: December 3, 2007
Please forward all questions about this site to: Vitaly Yakimenko