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Research by Region: United States - Midwest

Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin

GLERL research programs emphasize studies in the Great Lakes region. Below are descriptions of GLERL research programs that take place predominantly in Wisconsin or within Wisconsin nearshore waters. Additional projects that may affect Wisconsin, due to the interconnected nature of the ecosystem, are listed under our Great Lakes Drainage Basin section. This section includes the many GLERL research collaborations that are large scale, multi-institution projects which span large portions of the basin, including parts of Wisconsin.


Real-time Meteorological Observation Network
GLERL's Marine Instrumentation Laboratory has deployed and is maintaining a real-time network of shore-based meteorological instrument packages including locations at Milwaukee and Kenosha, Wisconsin. The meteorological observations obtained from the network are being used in GLERL's Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System to improve nowcasts and forecasts of wind, waves, water levels, and circulation.
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meteorological stations in WI

Lake Superior Daily Water Level Plot
Superior--Daily levels compared with monthly Min, Max, and Mean levels
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Lake Superior water level

Lakes Michigan-Huron Daily Water Level Plot
Michigan-Huron--Daily levels compared with monthly Min, Max, and Mean levels
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Lakes Michigan, Lake Huron water levels
Effects of non-indigenous invertebrates on the pelagic food web of Lake Michigan
Our goal is to evaluate the status of the pelagic food web in Lake Michigan at sites where we also have access to historical data. This project encompasses four separate projects to help elicit the status and changes in the pelagic food web of Lake Michigan.
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quagga mussel, incurrent siphon

Wisconsin Precipitation Data
Two types of downloadable files are available: P_*_DAT files contain the monthly precipitation data for Wisconsin stations. *-HST files contain the station history information extracted from the WB 530-1 forms by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These data show the station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, station name, and period of record for each station location. These are ZIPPED files, with one file for each state.
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Great Lakes Bathymetry Maps, Great Lakes Topographic Relief Maps and Shoreline Data
Lake floor maps and digital files of Great Lakes shorelines, The bathymetric grids consist of an array containing the average lake depths in 2-km squares. The digitized shorelines are lists of latitudes and longitudes for closed loops describing lake and island shorelines.
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Great Lakes bathymetry data

Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Office
GLERL has a Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Agent onsite to support and promote increased communication and cooperation between GLERL and the seven Great Lakes Sea Grant Programs in the region, including the Wisconsin Sea Grant program. The GLERL/Sea Grant Web Site posts many valuable Great Lakes resources including the Great Lakes Water Level Photo Gallery, additional photo galleries, reports, and seminars and in addition provides extensive links to Great Lakes Sea Grant Network and GLERL scientific products and services.

Door County, WI: photo courtesy of Christopher Demeur

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Last updated: 2008-06-05 mbl