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Research by Region: United States - South

Florida | Louisiana | Maryland | Mississippi || Chesapeake Bay | Gulf of Mexico

While the vast majority of GLERL research programs emphasize studies in the Great Lakes region, the GLERL mission includes the study of the marine coastal environment. Currently there are two GLERL principle investigators actively involved in studies in the south and southeastern coastal regions of the United States with projects in Florida Bay and the Northern Gulf of Mexico.


Habitat-Mediated Predator-Prey Interactions in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
A collaborative effort with the Florida Sea Grant College Program. This project seeks information critical to the design of marine refugia, the management of reef fishes, and predicting fish recruitment and production following restoration efforts or after reef habitat degradation.
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grouper and artifical reef

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Louisiana / Mississippi / Gulf of Mexico

Hypoxia Effects of the Living Resources in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
The primary objective of this project is to document how establishment of a “dead zone” (area of severe hypoxia/anoxia; dissolved oxygen < 2 mg/l) in the Gulf of Mexico influences the distribution of fish. Although an understanding of how the dead zone influences primary production exists in this system, we still know little with regard to the effect of anoxia on higher trophic levels, including fish.
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cruise track thru Gulf of Mexico

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Last updated: 2008-05-23 mbl