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Research by Region: United States - Midwest

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GLERL research programs emphasize studies in the Great Lakes region. Below are descriptions of GLERL research programs that take place predominantly in Ohio or within Ohio nearshore waters. Additional projects that may affect Ohio, due to the interconnected nature of the ecosystem, are listed under our Great Lakes Drainage Basin section. This section includes the many GLERL research collaborations that are large scale, multi-institution projects which span large portions of the basin, including parts of Ohio.


Lake Erie Daily Water Level Plot
Erie--Daily levels compared with monthly Max,Min, and Mean levels
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Lake Erie water level

International Field Years on Lake Erie
GLERL in collaboration with researchers from the U.S. and Canada have initiated one of the largest, most comprehensive Lake Erie research field programs ever conducted. The project, the International Field Years on Lake Erie (IFYLE), began in May 2005, with a focus on hypoxia and harmful algal blooms.
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Lake Erie

Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Office
Lake Erie Storm Surges Photos

GLERL has a Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Agent onsite to support and promote increased communication and cooperation between GLERL and the seven Great Lakes Sea Grant Programs in the region, including the Ohio Sea Grant program. The GLERL/Sea Grant Web Site posts many valuable Great Lakes resources including Great Lakes photo galleries, reports, and seminars and in addition provides extensive links to to the extensive Great Lakes Sea Grant Network.
+ Ohio Sea Grant Lake Erie Photos

Port Clinton, Lake Erie: photo taken by Fred Snyder
Ohio Precipitation Data
Two types of downloadable files are available: P_*_DAT files contain the monthly precipitation data for Ohio stations. *-HST files contain the station history information extracted from the WB 530-1 forms by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These data show the station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, station name, and period of record for each station location. These are ZIPPED files, with one file for each state.
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Generation of Three-Dimensional Forecasts for Lake Erie
A one-way coupled atmospheric-lake modeling system was developed to generate short-term, mesoscale lake circulation, water level, and temperature forecasts for Lake Erie. The coupled system consisted of the semi-operational versions of the Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research three-dimensional, mesoscale meteorological model (MM4), and the three-dimensional lake circulation model of the Great Lakes Forecasting System (GLFS). The coupled system was tested using archived MM4 36-h forecasts for three cases during 1992 and 1993. The cases were chosen to demonstrate and evaluate the forecasts produced by the coupled system during severe lake conditions and at different stages in the Lake's annual thermal cycle. This was a collaborative study involving three investigators from Ohio State University and GLERL Principle Investigator David Schwab.
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Lake Erie 3D model: inital surface water temperatures

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Last updated: 2008-05-23 mbl