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2004 General Obligation Bond Program


The City of Albuquerque’s capital improvement program is generally reviewed and approved over a two year period. Typically, the capital program is planned in the even-numbered year, approved by the Albuquerque City Council in the odd-numbered year and voted on in the normally scheduled municipal election in October of the odd-numbered year.

However, in October 2003 for the first time in the history of the City, the voters did not approve the General Obligation (G.O.) street bond question that appeared on the municipal election ballot. All other G.O. bond questions, for parks, libraries, fire and police improvements, community centers, storm drainage facilities, cultural amenities and public transportation improvements, were approved. The failure of the street bond question left critically needed projects throughout the City without adequate funding. As a result, the City Council, led by President Michael J. Cadigan, formulated a process to create a street bond question to be included on the state and federal general election ballot to be presented to the voters on November 2, 2004.

The purpose of this document is to provide specific information regarding the projects that will be included in the streets bond question and to describe the process by which the 2004 street bond projects were reviewed and approved.

2004 Street Bond Program


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