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Tropical Storm Hanna, September 6, 2008
Image courtesy of NASA

A Warm and Wet September: September 2008 Overview

Dr. David A. Robinson
NJ State Climatologist
October 2, 2008

Unlike August, with its dry and cooler than average weather, September was warm and wet across the Garden State. The month saw more afternoons with temperatures exceeding 90° than in August and the first tropical storm crossing New Jersey since Bertha in July 1996 (in 1999 Floyd stayed just offshore). The statewide average temperature of 68.0° was 2.7° above average. This makes this the 13th warmest September since records commenced in 1895 (see table below). Temperatures have been above average in 9 of the past 12 months. September heat was concentrated in the first half of the month, when maxima reached 90° at multiple stations on the 2nd-5th and the 14th. Four south Jersey stations reached 95° on the hottest day, the 4th, with dozens more in the low 90°s. Cooler conditions prevailed later in the month, with morning lows dropping into the mid to upper 30°s from the 19th-21st in northwest valleys and on the 21st in the Pinelands.

Rank Year Avg. Temp.
1 1961 71.4°
2 2005 71.0°
3 1931 70.1°
4 1998 68.9°
5 1959 68.8°
6 1945 68.7°
7 2002 68.4°
8 1970 68.3°
9 2007 68.3°
10 1980 68.2°
11 2004 68.2°
12 1971 68.1°
13 2008 68.0°
14 1921 67.9°
15 1900 67.6°


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