August 7, 2008

Office of Press and Public Diplomacy
United States Mission to the United Nations
140 East 45th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017

Statement by Ambassador Rosemary A. DiCarlo, U.S. Alternate Representative to the U.N. for Special Political Affairs, on the situation in Georgia, at the Security Council, August 7, 2008

Thank you Mr. President.

The United States appeals to all parties involved in this quickly changing situation to step back, to order their forces to disengage.

We can conceive of no circumstances that warrant a continuation of this violence, we can accept no excuses from any party that refuses to disengage, and we assure all parties that we will value restraint and condemn aggression.

My government has been working closely with the Russian government in recent days in an attempt to de-escalate this situation.

We welcome the cooperation of Tbilisi and Moscow earlier today in establishing a ceasefire and setting up a direct meeting of Georgian and South Ossetian representatives.

We must condemn South Ossetians' refusal to attend this meeting or to honor the ceasefire.

We call on all parties to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Georgia.

We call on Russia to pull its troops back and not inflame the situation by sending its forces to Georgia. Russia must cease the transport of troops and equipment through the Roki Tunnel from Russia into South Ossetia. Moscow can be part of the solution or part of the problem. Not both.

In the days ahead it is essential that the parties agree to measures to restore stability and rejuvenate the peace process.