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Eric Miller, owner and winemaker of Chaddsford Winery, learned his craft in France's prestigious Burgundy region and apprenticed at his parents' Hudson Valley winery.
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Azul's new owners are rolling out a new menu, and picked Restaurant Week to do it.
Alison at Blue Bell, which shut down in September as chef-owner Alison Barshak devoted her time to her new place in Fort Washington...
Real estate insiders have received a fairly detailed solicitation about chef Patrice Rames' French-Mediterranean restaurant-lounge...
Justin Hoke, last at Table 31 after three years at Le Bec-Fin, has joined Kite & Key Tavern in Franklintown.
When the White Dog reopens - perhaps as soon as Friday at dinner - here is the bill of fare.
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Sandy Bauers: Many people think conservation requires hardship and sacrifice. Me, I've been sipping wine.
In the beginning, there were Dock Street and Yards. When people talk about the early years of Philadelphia's brewing renaissance, the names of those craft beer makers are the ones mentioned most.
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So, you want to celebrate the presidential inauguration, but can't get there? Have the fete at home instead like Wynnewood resident JoAnn Erfer. "We can't go to the inaugural ball," she says. "We're going to have our own."
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Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Denzel Washington, Bruce Springsteen, Jamie Foxx, the Jonas Brothers, John Legend, Bono, Shakira, Sheryl Crow and Stevie Wonder, among many others, will honor the incoming chief executive in Washington this week.

But there'll be no question as to who's the most omnipresent pop cultural icon on the banks of the Potomac.