Better Hearing Institute



"Your Guide to Better Hearing"
We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the comprehensive Better Hearing Institute “Your Guide to Better Hearing”. This Guide is 32-pages and is available either through the mail or as a download to your computer. Please tell us how you would like to receive this guide:

Mail (U.S. residents only)
Download in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format

Hearing Loss e-Guides
In addition, BHI is pleased to provide subject-specific electronic guides available in PDF format only. The Hearing Loss e-Guides will present detailed and comprehensive information on various hearing health topics. The first of the e-Guides, “A Guide to Your Child’s Hearing” is available now. We are planning a series of Hearing Loss e-Guides, so be sure to check this page for new offerings.

"A Guide to Your Child's Hearing"

"Your Guide to Hearing Aids"

If you are requesting to receive “Your Guide to Better Hearing” by mail, please fill out all information below.

For a PDF download of “Your Guide to Better Hearing” or any Hearing Loss e-Guide, please provide us with your name, email and response to the questions below.

Your personal information will not be shared, but only used in helping improve our service to you.
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
Your E-mail: