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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2-match

wgrib2: -match


The -match option selects records which should be processed. When multiple -match options are used, all matches must be satisfied.

    wgrib2 -match X (...)

is the same as 

    wgrib2 -match_inv file | egrep X | wgrib2 -i (...)

    wgrib2 -match X -match Y -not Z (...)

is the same as 

    wgrib2 -match_inv file | egrep X | egrep Y | egrep -v Z | wgrib2 -i (...)

where X, Y and Z are regular expressions.  Note, X, Y and Z  will not match 
the second (byte location) field of the short inventory.


-match X

X is a regular expression

The -match, and -not selection facility is more limited than the "wgrib2 | filter | wgrib2 -i" syntax. However, it can be more efficient especially when combined with the -end option.

See also: -not, -end, -i. -if.

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Page last modified: May 15, 2005
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