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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2-lon

wgrib2: -lon


The -lon option prints the value of the grid point closest to the specified longitude latitude. The coordinates of the grid point are also printed. Any number of -lon options can be used.

-sh-2.05b$ wgrib2 eta.t00z.awphys18.grb2 -d 1 -s -lon 249 39 -lon 255 33
1:0:d=2003090300:MSLET:mean sea level:18 hour fcst:lon=249.035,lat=38.9912,val=101685:


      LONGITUDE = 0 .. 360
      LATITUDE = -90 .. 90


$ wgrib2 test.grb2 -s -lon -90 20
1:0:d=2005090200:HGT:1000 mb:60 hour fcst:lon=270,lat=20,val=121.3
2:133907:d=2005090200:HGT:975 mb:60 hour fcst:lon=270,lat=20,val=344.4
3:263511:d=2005090200:HGT:950 mb:60 hour fcst:lon=270,lat=20,val=573
4:389058:d=2005090200:HGT:925 mb:60 hour fcst:lon=270,lat=20,val=806.5
See also: -lola

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Page last modified: May 15, 2005
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