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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2-lola

wgrib2: -lola


The -lola option was not named after a girl but for extracting data on a LOngitude-LAtitude grid. You need to specify the lower left corner of the grid, the number of points in the zonal and meridional directions and the latitude/longitude increments. Finally you need to specify the output file and the format.

Interpolation scheme

The interpolation to the lola grid is by nearest neighbor. Sure there are more accurate schemes and people are welcome to do better. Warning: the interpolation scheme simply picks up the value of the nearest neighbor. This can be very inaccurate for winds and other vectors near the pole.


-lola LonSW:#lon:dlon LatSW:#lat:dlat file format

LonSW        Longitude of the South-West point, values from 0 .. 360
#lon         number of longitude points
dlon         spacing of the points in the zonal direction in degrees

LatSW        Latitude of the South-West point, values from -90 .. 90
#lat         number of latitude points
dlat         spacing of the points in the meridional direction in degrees

file         name of the output file

format       format of the output file: bin, text, spread
               bin = binary
               text = simple "text" format, one value per line
               spread = spread-sheet format, latitude, longitude and value of each grid point

The order of the data points is WE:SN (wgrib2 standard).

See alse: -lon

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Page last modified: May 15, 2005
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