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U.Va. TravelReturning Students
Virginia Voyages
Alumni Travel
Employee Travel
Student Academic Travel Opportunities
Study Abroad
Study Abroad takes students beyond the typical tourist experience.
January Term
Courses that address topics of current interest.
Semester at Sea
Take an around-the-world voyage on the floating campus.
Summer Session
A rich selection of courses through its Summer Session.
Travel Assistance Program
This support is available to students, faculty, and staff.
Travel Basics
(Procurement Services)

Procurement Services policies regarding travel.
Travel for Alumni, Parents and Friends Travel for General Public Faculty and Staff Travel
Cavalier Travels
Programs that offer you a lifetime connection to the University.
Virginia Voyages:
Travel with the President

Virginia Voyages are known for rigorous days and luxurious nights.
Travel & Learn (School of Continuing & Professional Studies)
Held nationally, internationally, and on Grounds.
Art & Cultural Travel Program
Learn about other cultures, art history and architecture through study, and adventure.
U.Va. Employee Travel Opportunities
The travel program is open to current and retired faculty and staff and their guests. Volunteers and others who work on the grounds are also eligible to participate.

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Last Modified: Friday, 09-Nov-2007 10:23:39 EST
© Copyright 2009 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia