Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition, and Reproductive Sciences Small Business Activities [SBIR/STTR] Special Emphasis Panel [EMNR Small Business SEPs: EMNR (10) and EMNR (11)]

[SBIR/STTR Rosters]

The EMNR Small Business SEPs considers SBIR/STTR applications involved in areas of endocrinology, metabolism, nutrition, and reproductive sciences.  These include applications of emerging technologies and methodologies for a broad spectrum of research related to all aspects of general endocrinology, pregnancy, reproductive physiology, nutrient metabolism and processes in normal states as well as diabetes, obesity and related diseases.

Diabetes, Metabolism, Nutrition, and Obesity SBIR SEP: EMNR (10)

The EMNR Small Business SEP [EMNR (10)] considers SBIR/STTR applications involved in areas of endocrinology, metabolism, nutrition. These include applications of emerging technologies and methodologies across a broad spectrum of research related to all aspects of general endocrinology, nutrient metabolism and processes in normal states as well as diabetes, obesity and related metabolic diseases.

Specific areas covered by the the SBIR SEP (EMNR 10):

  • Nutrient and dietary intervention in the treatment of disease
  • Evaluation of nutritional status throughout the life cycle
  • Applications of techniques for measuring body composition and energy utilization and balance
  • Energy expenditure, thermogenesis, physical activity, and exercise in the context of the pathogenesis or treatment of obesity and diabetes
  • Mechanisms, pathogenesis, and treatment of obesity and diabetes
  • Differentiation, development, growth, and function of pancreatic islets 
  • Beta cell viability and methods at optimization for use in islet transplantation and cell based therapies
  • Adipocyte function, including: nutrient storage and release, and communication with other organs and tissues
  • Biosensor (e.g., glucose sensors etc.) to effect continuous glucose monitoring for effective treatment of diabetes 
  • Neuroendocrinology and pharmacological interventions in metabolic disorders
  • Drug and nutrient delivery

The EMNR SBIR SEP (10) has the following shared interests outside the EMNR IRG:

  • With the Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies [BST] IRG: Applications that focus on the development of new technology could be assigned to BST; studies that use of the existing instrumentation to monitor metabolite levels are appropriate for EMNR.
  • With the Cardiovascular Sciences [CVS] IRG: Studies of cardiovascular metabolism or blood flow as a chronic adaptation to obesity, diabetes, or diet leading to cardiovascular symptoms, or the effects of insulin on the cardiovascular systems could be assigned to CVS. Applications that focus on lipid metabolism, biology or pathogenesis of obesity and/or diabetes could be assigned to EMNR.
  • With the Digestive Sciences [DIG] IRG : Shared interests exist in several areas. (1) Studies in the area of xenobiotic/nutrient metabolism/toxicology, endocrine disruptors, hormones of the pituitary or pancreas that are involved in metabolic function could be assigned to DIG when they are being used at therapeutic or toxicologic doses; if the endocrine system is the primary focus, assignment could be to EMNR. (2) Assignment could be made to DIG when the focus of the studies is the digestion, absorption, and metabolism in the GI tract, liver, or pancreas of nutrient and non-nutrient components of diet or dietary supplements when presented at supra physiologic levels. Studies of metabolism by organs or tissues other than those of the digestive system as well as subsequent disposition, transport, absorption and excretion could be assigned to EMNR. (3) Applications dealing with lipid metabolism in the GI tract and liver could be assigned to DIG, while studies that focus on lipoproteins and lipid metabolism could be assigned to EMNR.
  • With the Genes, Genomes, and Genetics [GGG] IRG: Genetics of obesity and diabetes may be areas of shared interests with GGG.  Analysis of the functional consequences of specific genetic alterations concerning obesity and diabetes; and genomic approaches to the molecular physiology of obesity and diabetes should be assigned to EMNR.  When a major focus is development of genetic or genomic techniques/materials for the study of these phenotypes, allocations could be referred to GGG.

  • With the Health of the Population [HOP] IRG: Studies related to epidemiology or large scale intervention for obesity, diabetes, or nutrition may be generally assigned to HOP.  Applications that focus on the effects of human diet/nutrients on obesity, energy expenditure, and diabetes could be assigned to EMNR.

  • With the Integrative, Functional, and Cognitive Neuroscience [IFCN] IRG : Studies of the central nervous system that focus on metabolic homeostasis or causes of obesity are of shared interest with IFCN.  When end points relate to cellular or systemic metabolic phenotypes or energy balance, applications could be assigned to EMNR.  When the focus is on the neural basis of ingestive behaviors or satiety, applications could be referred to IFCN.

  • With the Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG: Applications that focus on the effects of exercise on the treatment, prevention, or consequences of obesity and diabetes or insulin action could be assigned to EMNR. If the focus is on the effects of exercise on skeletal muscle function or metabolism, assignment to MOSS may be appropriate. Applications that focus on nutrients may be assigned to EMNR; where the
    role of nutrients is secondary to the study of oral, dental, bone, skeletal muscle, or connective tissue, the application may be assigned to MOSS. 

  • With the Oncological Sciences [ONC] IRG:  For studies of obesity, if the primary focus is oncogenesis, the application could be assigned to ONC; if the focus is on fuel homeostasis, glucose homeostasis, or insulin action on cell growth, the application could be assigned to EMNR.
  • With the Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior [RPHB] IRG:  Shared interest exists regarding the metabolic regulation of obesity, diabetes, consumption of food and nutrients for different population groups. Applications that focus on modification of individual behaviors, attitudes, educational methods and program strategies, psychological support and resources as they affect prevention or treatment of obesity, diabetes, and insulin secretion and action, could be assigned to RPHB. Applications that focus on metabolic changes associated with food consumption, nutrients, and dietary changes may be assigned to EMNR.


Endocrinology and Reproductive Sciences SBIR SEP: EMNR (11)

The EMNR Small Business SEP [EMNR (11)] considers SBIR/STTR applications involved in areas of endocrinology, metabolism, and reproductive sciences. These include applications of emerging technologies and methodologies across a broad spectrum of research related to all aspects of general endocrinology, pregnancy, reproductive and developmental physiology.

Specific areas covered by the EMNR SBIR SEP (EMNR 11):

  • Mechanisms of hormone action
  • Hormone assay kits
  • Disorders of endocrine organs and their treatment
  • Endocrine toxicology and hormone-based therapies
  • Animal cloning, assisted reproductive technology, contraception, and
  • Devices related to reproduction
  • Devices and procedures related to female gonads using micro and nanotechnology
  • Studies of sperm, oocyte and fertilization
  • Implantation
  • Devices and procedures related to obstetrics and gynecology 
  • Disorders of pregnancy and their treatment
  • Control of lactation
  • Neuroendocrinology of male and female reproductive tract
  • Pharmacological interventions

The EMNR SBIR SEP (11) has the following shared interests outside the EMNR IRG:

  • With the Biology of Development and Aging [BDA] IRG:  There is shared interest in the areas of gametogenesis, fertilization, and embryonic/fetal development, including formation of egg and sperm, fertilization, pre-implantation, animal cloning, and organogenesis. When the focus of the application is pregnancy, reproduction, or endocrinology, assignment may be to EMNR. When the focus is on development or its mechanisms, assignment may be to BDA.

  • With the Renal and Urological Sciences [RUS] IRG: There is shared interest between EMNR and RUS in the areas of male reproductive biology, the male reproductive tract, including the prostate, maternal renal diseases and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (including pre-eclampsia), and the mechanism of action of hormones on the male genital system. The perspective applicant should determine assignment, but in general the focus of applications reviewed in EMNR is on reproductive competency or hormone action, while the focus of RUS is on the renal system or urology.

  • With the Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies [BST] IRG : Applications that focus on emerging technologies for obtaining functional analysis of genomic and proteomic patterns could be assigned to BST, while studies that focus on the functional analysis of genomic and proteomic patterns of hormone action may be assigned to EMNR.

  • With the Cardiovascular Sciences [CVS] IRG: Shared interests exist for studies of the effect of hormones on the vascular system, gonadal and placental angiogenesis, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (including pre-eclampsia), and fetal cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology. Studies that focus on the role of hormones or on pregnancy and fetal well-being could be referred to EMNR, if applications that focus on the vascular system, studies of cardiovascular metabolism or blood flow as a chronic adaptation to obesity, diabetes, or diet leading to cardiovascular symptoms, or the effects of insulin on the cardiovascular systems could be assigned to CVS.

  • With the Digestive Sciences [DIG] IRG: Shared interests exist in several areas. Studies in the area of xenobiotic/nutrient metabolism/toxicology, endocrine disruptors, hormones of the pituitary or pancreas that are involved in metabolic function, and placental nutrients and fetal growth could be assigned to DIG when they are being used at therapeutic or toxicologic doses; if the endocrine system is the primary focus, assignment could be to EMNR.

  • With the Genes, Genomes, and Genetics [GGG] IRG : Applications that focus of regulatory mechanisms of gene expression or chromatin structure and dynamics could be assigned to GGG. Studies on hormones, their cognate receptors or co-regulators, and their target genes could be referred to EMNR.

  • With the Integrative, Functional, and Cognitive Neuroscience [IFCN] IRG: Applications that focus on underlying neural mechanisms of cognition, emotional regulation, or reproductive behavior process could be assigned to IFCN.  When studies involving neuroendocrine organs (pituitary, hypothalamus) where the focus is on the hormone, studies of neural or neuroendocrine control of reproductive process (i.e., gonadal function, fertilization, implantation, or parturition, GnRH secretion, lactation) could be assigned to EMNR.

  • With the Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG:  Applications that focus on hormonal and growth factor controls, remodeling of reproductive tissues or reproductive function, the maintenance of pregnancy, or overall fetal well-being could be referred to EMNR.  Applications that focus on the basic or translational studies evaluating alterations in the supporting pelvic floor musculoskeletal structures, osteoporosis, or bone disease could be assigned to MOSS.
  • With the Oncological Sciences [ONC] IRG: In general, studies of cancers of endocrine glands (such as pituitary, thyroid) could be assigned to EMNR. Proposals that focus on the biology or clinical aspects of cancer, where hormones receive a secondary consideration, could be assigned to ONC IRG.

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Last updated: July 29, 2008

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