Recovery Month logo

Link to Us

Please consider linking to from your Web site and bookmark the site on computers in your organization, school, or library to help us reach more people who need reliable substance abuse treatment information.

You can help get the word out by putting one of the links shown below on your page. Just choose a graphic you like from the examples below, then copy and paste the block of HTML code under it right into your Web page.

For your convenience, we have included links back to graphics on our site, but you may copy the graphics to your site if you wish.  When you do link to the site, please send an e-mail to let us know you have posted our banners. Thanks for your support.

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="119" height="45"></a>

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="180" height="150"></a>

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="120" height="90"></a>

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="180" height="150"></a>

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="468" height="60"></a>

Recovery Month Banner

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month" width="120" height="600"></a>


We invite those partners and other responsible intermediaries and individuals on the Internet to link to Recovery Month to promote our mutual goal of improving consumer access to the best health and human services information.

Recovery Month has been developed by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and focuses on federal, nonprofit, and educational resources.  Our selection guidelines do not permit us to link back to every organization; however, we welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

Please Note: Any link you establish must avoid the appearance that the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment endorses any information supplied by others or any specific product or service, since federal law prohibits the government from doing so.