ORNL: Science & Technology: Simulation Science

Environmental Sciences Environmental Systems
We affect our environment and it affects us. To find out what those effects might be, ORNL researchers are using high-performance computing to study global and regional systems.
Engineering Applications Engineering Applications
Our man-made environment of structures and vehicles is studied in detail at ORNL with physics-based modeling that can predict mechanical performance.
Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences
Modeling of chemical processes is an important activity at ORNL, from design of new materials such as synthetic lubricants and alloys to the simulation of complex reactions such as bioremediation, combustion, and digestion.
Experimental Validation Experimental Validation
Validation of many simulation models involves experimental testing on a physical model. For biological systems, much of this testing is done at ORNL Mouse House.
Computational Biology and Functional Genomics Computational Biology and Functional Genomics
ORNL's Life Sciences research covers all aspects of biology from the building blocks of life, DNA, genes and proteins, to the health and fitness of humans, using a sophisticated mosaic of advanced computing,and laboratory research.
Nanotechnology and Neutron Sciences Nanotechnology and Neutron Sciences
The finest level of detail brings us to neutron sciences and nanotechnology. ORNL models, designs, and builds devices that are used to detect structure at the atomic level and below.

HPC: Terascale | Storage | Networking | Tools | Viz | Virtual Lab
SS: Environment | Engineering | Physics/Chemistry | Experiment | Biology | Nano/Neutron
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This subject tree provided and maintained by Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division
URL http://www.csm.ornl.gov/newSS.html
Updated: Tuesday, 12-Sep-2000 10:25:59 EDT