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Data Sets

Farm Income: Data Files

U.S. and State Farm Income Data (State estimates)

Below are the latest data concerning the farm income forecast, national and State net value added, net cash income, cash receipts, government payments, production expenses, capital replacement costs, number of farms, land in farms, and real estate values. Access them from the menus below. A discussion of the latest forecast is in the farm income forecast briefing room. A discussion of the 2007 farm income accounts is in the farm income briefing room.

Farm Income Forecast, 2008 (HTML)

(Forecast will be updated November 25, 2008)


Farm Income Forecast, 2008 (Excel Worksheets)



Farm income and balance sheet statistics are also available in constant (2000=100) dollars, 1929-2008 in Excel.


State data: Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Historical data: Microsoft Excel spreadsheets


See the glossary for explanations of the economic concepts used throughout farm income and costs.


For more information, contact: Roger Strickland (Cash Receipts), Bob Green (Government Payments), or Chris McGath (Production Expenses, Capital Expenditures, and Capital Replacement Costs)

Web administration:

Updated date: August 28, 2008