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TABLE 1 Summary of Recommended Biosafety Levels for Infectious Agents

Biosafety Level Agents Practices Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers) Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
1 Not known to cause
disease in healthy adults.
Standard Microbiological
None required. Open bench top sink required.
2 Associated with human
disease, hazard = auto- inoculation, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure.
BSL-1 practice plus:
  • Limited access;
  • Biohazard warning signs;
  • "Sharps" precautions;
  • Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance policies.
Primary barriers = Class I or II BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials; PPEs: laboratory coats; gloves; face protection as needed. BSL-1 plus: Autoclave available.
3 Indigenous or exotic agents with potential for aerosol transmission; disease may have serious or lethal consequences. BSL-2 practice plus:
  • Controlled access;
  • Decontamination of all waste;
  • Decontamination of lab clothing before laundering;
  • Baseline serum.
Primary barriers = Class I or II BCSs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents; PPEs: protective lab clothing; gloves; respiratory protection as needed. BSL-2 plus:
  • Physical separation from access corridors;
  • Self-closing, double- door access;
  • Exhausted air not recirculated;
  • Negative airflow into laboratory.
4 Dangerous/exotic agents which pose high risk of life-threatening disease, aerosol-transmitted lab infections; or related agents with unknown risk of transmission. BSL-3 practices plus:
  • Clothing change before entering;
  • Shower on exit;
  • All material decontaminated on exit from facility.
Primary barriers = All procedures conducted in Class III BSCs or Class I or II BSCs in combination with full-body, air-supplied, positive pressure personnel suit. BSL-3 plus:
  • Separate building or isolated zone;
  • Dedicated supply/exhaust, vacuum, and decon systems;
  • Other requirements outlined in the text.
Biosafety Level Agents Practices Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers) Facilities (Secondary Barriers)

Office of Health and Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Road N.E., Mail Stop F05 Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA
Last Modified: 1/2/97
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