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Event Coordinator:
Claire Lamberti
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Brookhaven National Laboratory IBM Stony Brook University

Workshop on Multi-Teraflop  Computing in
Biology, Materials & Energy Science

Date: September 12, 2005
Location: Charles B. Wang Center on the Campus of Stony Brook University
Organizers: Brookhaven National Laboratory, IBM and Stony Brook University


This is a follow-up to similar workshops held at Brookhaven in 2003 and 2004. Since then computers with capabilities in the range of 30 to 80 teraflop/s have become available and machines with up to 1 petaflop/s are within reach. Many research institutions have committed to acquire machines with these capabilities for large-scale scientific computing.  It is the purpose of this workshop to identify in practical terms the advances that will be enabled by this huge expansion in computing capability in computational biology, computational materials science at the nanoscale, and for modeling materials for advanced energy devices. Some of the major high-end computer designs will be presented in terms of their suitability for large-scale computations in biology, materials and energy science. The potential and need for high-end computing in New York and the Northeast will be discussed.


The workshop will consist of invited talks and a round table discussion. It will begin at 8:30 AM and end at 5:30 PM.  

Confirmed speakers are:

  • George Chiu (IBM)
  • Joachim Frank (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) 
  • Bob Germain (IBM)
  • Pawel Keblinski (RPI)
  • David Keyes (Columbia)
  • Glenn Martyna (IBM)
  • James Muckerman (BNL)
  • David Reichman (Columbia)
  • Benoit Roux (Cornell/Weill)
  • Tamar Schlick (NYU)
  • Thomas Schulthess (ORNL)
  • Carlos Simmerling (Stony Brook)


The one-day workshop is limited to 80 attendees. No conference fee will be charged, but we ask that you register as attendance is limited. Lunch will be arranged in the cafeteria within the Charles B. Wang Center. An informal dinner has been organized for those staying after the workshop.


The Charles B. Wang Center at Stony Brook is a new conference facility in the center of the campus. The campus can be reached by car from the Long Island Expressway (LIE, Exit 62, going north on CR 97 to the main entrance of the Campus - about 20 minutes from the LIE).  A parking garage is available immediately after the entrance and the Charles B. Wang Center is directly adjacent to it. If you come by railroad from New York City, take the Long Island Railroad-Port Jefferson line from Penn Station to the Stony Brook Station, which is located at the edge of campus. From there walk 5 minutes to the Charles B. Wang Center.

Organizing Committee

  • James Davenport (BNL)
  • Ajay Royyuru (IBM Yorktown Heights)
  • Peter Paul (BNL/Stony Brook)

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008