You are here: Home News Room News Releases 2003 and 2002 News Releases GOVERNOR LINGLE PARDONS TWO IN FIRST YEAR


For Immediate Release: December 31, 2003

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle has granted pardons to George D. Makaneole, III and Shaff M. Kina.  The two pardons mark the first time the Governor has exercised this gubernatorial power and are the only two made in her first year in office.

“The power to pardon an individual who has paid his or her debt to society is unique to the executive office and one that must be carried out with great care and deliberation,” said Governor Lingle.  “These individuals have made the necessary social adjustments and have proven in good faith their ability to lead productive, law-abiding lives.”

George D. Makaneole, III of Kaua`i was convicted in October 1978 for assault in the third degree, a misdemeanor.  This was Makaneole’s sole conviction.  Makaneole was pardoned on November 17, 2003.

Shaff M. Kina of Maui was pardoned on October 2, 2003.  His convictions include: harassment in 1979; harassment and disorderly conduct in 1981; driving under the influence in 1983 and 1985; and terroristic threatening in the first degree and criminal property damage in the third degree in 1983.  Kina successfully completed his probation in 1988 and has had no arrests or convictions since 1985. 


For more information, contact:
Lenny Klompus 
Senior Advisor – Communications 
Phone: 586-7705

Russell Pang
Chief of Media Relations
Phone:  586-0043

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