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30 yr fixed mtg 5.73%
15 yr fixed mtg 5.40%
5/1 ARM 5.56%
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$30K HELOC 5.17%
$50K HELOC 4.80%
$30K Home Eq 7.59%
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MMA 2.40%
1 yr CD 3.68%
5 yr CD 4.18%
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As borrowing costs go up with interest rates, here's how to make more money lending out your cash. more

36 month new 6.71%
60 month new 6.51%
36 month used 7.09%
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Common financing missteps can cost you thousands on a new or used car. Here's how to get it right.  more

Interest Rates
Mortgages - 15 Year Fixed 5.40%
Mortgages - 30 Year Fixed 5.73%
Mortgages - 5/1 Year ARM 5.56%
Used Car - 3 Year 7.09%
New Car - 3 Year 6.50%
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