NSLS-II Environmental Sciences Workshop

August 21, 2003

This one-day workshop brought together members of the NSLS Environmental Science User Community to identify and discuss the scientific challenges and opportunities in Environmental Science that could be addressed with the capabilities of the proposed NSLS-II facility. In addition to building the science case for Environmental Science to be put forth in the NSLS-II CD0, the workshop served as a forum to discuss future endstation, instrumentation and user support needs at the proposed facility.


Steve Dierker (NSLS) opened the workshop with an overview of the proposed operating parameters for the NSLS-II. Throughout an informative discussion of critical user needs at the new facility, workshop participants stressed the need for beamline support from scientists with expertise specific to Environmental Science. The afternoon session consisted of topical presentation guided discussions which produced the following ‘Grand Challenges’ in Environmental Science.

  • Speciation of contaminants in complex natural systems

  • Biogeochemical processes, rates, and element cycling

  • Contaminant fate, wasteforms, remediation, and long-term stewardship

  • Structure and chemical properties of environmental nanoparticles

  • Environmental genomics and toxicology

Expanded descriptions of these five grand challenges along with supporting examples will serve as the core of the Environmental Science section of the CD0. Contaminant speciation, bioavailability, chemical kinetics and the role of microbes emerged as common themes and generated the most excitement with respect to the impact of the proposed facility.

Participating Institutions

BNL, Dartmouth, Princeton University, SUNY/SB, University of Chicago, University of Delaware, Westinghouse, Savannah River Company

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Gary Schroeder