Doppler Lidar Observations of Nocturnal Flows from a Tributary Valley near Vancouver, B.C.

R. M. Banta, P. B. Shepson (Purdue University), J. W. Bottenheim (Atmospheric Environment Service) and K. G. Anlauf (AES)

[Chemistry [Chemistry

Figure 6. Chemistry measurements at Harris Road site for O3, NO, NOx, and the relatively inert species CO for four episode nights. Derived quantities are:

  • Ox, the sum of O3 and NO2, conserved during titration of O3 and NO
  • NOx/NOy ratio, large (>0.9) for freshly polluted air and small (<0.6) for aged emissions.

ETL / Review / Doppler Lidar Observations of Nocturnal Flows from a Tributary Valley near Vancouver, B.C. / Figure: Introduction, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Findings