Tropical Storm Noel Relief
Posted On: Apr 2 2008 10:19AM

In November 2007, U.S. military forces joined the multinational disaster relief efforts in the Dominican Republic after devastating flooding from Tropical Storm Noel left thousands in peril.  U.S. Southern Command directed troops and helicopters to assist search and rescue efforts and the distribution of aid.  Participating U.S. forces supported USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, which leads U.S. government foreign disaster relief efforts.  Overall, U.S. military and Coast Guard forces have helped deliver more than 200,000 pounds of relief supplies and provided medical care to hundreds of citizens.



During the last days of October, Tropical Storm Noel made landfall over the Dominican Republic, drenching the Caribbean nation in heavy rains that caused widespread flooding.  The flooding claimed dozens of lives and displaced thousands of residents.


USSOUTHCOM, in response to an Oct. 31 request for international assistance from the Dominican government, ordered U.S. military forces (details below) to the nation to help.  The deployments were carried out in close coordination with the U.S. Department of State and USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. 


USSOUTHCOM also provided more than $250,000 in emergency relief commodities, including shelter materials, vehicles, chainsaws, water purification tablets, personal hygiene supplies, diapers and other infant items, and other emergency relief supplies.


Breakdown of forces sent:


     More than 40 Airmen and Soldiers and two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from U.S. Southern Command’s Joint Task Force Bravo deployed to the nation in mid-November.  The troops conducted a Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE), providing health care to storm victims. They also delivered $20,000 worth of medicine.


     Two UH-60 Blackhawks from the Puerto Rico National Guard deployed to San Isidro Nov. 3 and conducted search and rescue missions in the area.  Later, the helicopters helped distribute relief supplies. 


     A Puerto Rico National Guard C-130 delivered 27 crates of potable water to San Isidro Air Base Nov. 3 for distribution to victims impacted by Tropical Storm Noel.


     A humanitarian assistance survey team from U.S. Army South, based in San Antonio, Texas, deployed to the Dominican Republic and partnered with representatives from the USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance to assess humanitarian needs and identify support requirements. 


Additionally, three U.S. Coast Guard helicopters assisted search and rescue operations and the delivery of emergency provisions. The U.S. Coast Guard crews rescued dozens of people and delivered thousands of pounds of  food rations to survivors.




Noel Relief Photos



U.S. Army Sgt. Jose Simmons, a UH-60 crew chief in the Puerto Rico Army National Guard, and ‎a paramedic from Santo Domingo assist an elderly woman evacuated from the isolated ‎community of San Jose de Ocoa in the Dominican Republic. See this and other photos in the Noel Relief photo gallery. 





Quick Links


     Puerto Rico National Guard

     U.S. Army South

     Joint Task Force-Bravo

     U.S. Coast Guard District 7

     Background Notes: Dominican Republic

     USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance



USSOUTHCOM disaster relief




     Any U.S. military assistance must be requested by the host nation through the U.S. ambassador.  Then, as the lead federal agent, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance fields the request and asks the DoD for military assistance, if needed.


     In the past two years, USSOUTHCOM has sent U.S. military forces to nine disaster relief missions in the region.


     Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-Bravo) in Honduras, one of the command’s only forward-deployed units, is pivotal piece of USSOUTHCOM’s disaster relief capability in the region. The task force, based at the Honduran Soto Cano Air Base, has 600 troops and 20 aircraft.  The troops train year-round for humanitarian and disaster assistance missions.  JTF-Bravo has played a key role in almost all of the USSOUTHCOM-directed disaster relief efforts of the past decade.


Recent USSOUTHCOM disaster relief:



Hurricane Felix, September:  Helicopters from USS Wasp, USS Samuel B. Roberts and JTF-Bravo airlift 490,000 pounds of aid to Felix victims.


Peru earthquake, August:  A Texas-based medical team of 14 Airmen and a 30-person mobile surgical team from Joint Task Force Bravo provided medical care to Peruvians affected by the disaster.


Bolivia floods, February: C-130 airlifts planeload of USAID relief supplies to help relief efforts.



Panama floods, November: JTF-B troops and helicopters evacuate four people and airlift 130,000 pounds of relief supplies.


Nicaragua alcohol poisoning epidemic, September: JTF-B troops provide three-man medical team and donate $185,000 of medical supplies.


Ecuador, volcano eruption, July:  Supports disaster relief operations and provides $140,000 of medical supplies and equipment.



Honduras, Tropical Storm Gamma, November:  Nine JTF-B helicopters and 40 troops airlift 110,000 pounds of emergency supplies to affected region.


Honduras, Hurricane Beta, November:  Ten JTF-B helicopters airlift 140,000 pounds of relief supplies.


Guatemala & Nicaragua, Hurricane Stan, October: Twelve aircraft and 125 personnel evacuate/transport 300 victims and deliver nearly 300 tons of aid.


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