You are here: Home Schedule Governor Lingle's Public Schedule Public Schedule for the Week of March 31 - April 1, 2008

Public Schedule for the Week of March 31 - April 1, 2008

March 31, Governor Lingle and State Adjutant General Major General Robert Lee will meet with Tom Hall, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs.  Hall serves as the principal staff assistant to the Secretary of Defense on all matters involving the 1.3 million members of the Reserve components of the United States Armed Forces.  He is responsible for overall supervision of Reserve component affairs of the Department of Defense.

March 31, Governor Lingle will deliver remarks at the opening ceremony of the 51 st  annual Hawai‘i State Science and Engineering Fair.  More than 6,000 students participate in the science fair program each year.  The Lingle-Aiona Administration is supporting science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education as part of the Hawai‘i Innovation Initiative to foster the innovation capacity of Hawai‘i’s students. Hawai‘i hosted the Inaugural NASA / BAE Systems FIRST in Hawaii Regional Robotics Competition, which is designed to show students how interesting science and technology can be.

April 1, Governor Lingle and State Adjutant General Major General Robert Lee will meet with a delegation from the Republic of Indonesia headed by State Minister for Research and Technology Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman. The delegation is in Hawai‘i to visit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, State Civil Defense and other agencies in preparation for the commissioning of the Indonesia Early Warning System in November.  Last June, Governor Lingle and MG Lee traveled to Indonesia to formalize a National Guard State Partnership between Indonesia and the Hawai‘i National Guard to improve regional security and disaster preparedness. Hawai‘i’s efforts to help Indonesia develop its early warning system and position more tsunami-sensing buoys in their part of the ocean, will benefit Hawai‘i and the entire Pacific region by providing additional early warning and detection systems. April is Tsunami Awareness Month in Hawai‘i.

April 2, Governor Lingle will discuss state issues on her monthly radio show.  Listeners are invited to call 808-521-8383 from O‘ahu or 888-565-8383 from the Neighbor Islands with questions and comments.  The show can be heard live statewide on O‘ahu (KHVH 830 AM), Maui/Kona (KAOI 1110 AM), Hilo (KPUA 670 AM), and Kaua‘i (KONG 570 AM).  Recordings of past shows are archived on the Governor’s Web site .

April 2, Governor Lingle will deliver the keynote address at a swearing-in ceremony for new U.S. citizens. The event is being organized by the Department of Homeland Security   
April 2, Governor Lingle will meet with Mr. Balázs Bokor, consul general of the Republic of Hungary, Consulate General in Los Angeles.

April 3,  Governor Lingle will deliver the keynote address at the first annual Blue Planet Summit.  The three-day summit, which runs April 3-5, will feature energy experts, environmentalists and public and private sector leaders from Hawai‘i and around the nation who will explore the energy challenges facing the planet and the innovative, collaborative approach needed to change our energy culture.

April 4, Governor Lingle will deliver remarks at the Micronesian Voices in Hawai‘i Conference.  Sponsored by the Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, the conference will focus on the innovative programs that Mic ronesians, and others, are developing to meet the challenges of living in Hawai‘i and to help ease the transition for those who are newly arrived from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

April 5,  Governor Lingle will deliver remarks at the 2008 Merrie Monarch Festival hula competition.

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