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Quotes and Thoughts of the Week

"The first-in-the-nation requirement is more than symbolic. Solar energy is a proven winner in Hawai`i, where tax credits and utility rebates have made residential solar systems affordable and desirable as the cost of energy has increased."

- An excerpt from the Pacific Business News editorial, "New solar law heats more than just water," praising the "important step the state took toward energy independence" when the Governor signed a bill that makes Hawai`i the first state in the nation to require the installation of solar water heating systems on new single-family homes. Read the editorial and more about this bill.


"Our goal is to be known around the world again."

- Blake Nuibe, executive director of the Honolulu Boy Choir, expressing optimism for the continued success of the choir.


"I appreciate the public's participation in this open process. It gave people a chance to voice their points of view, and in some instances, we heard new information about the merits or drawbacks of some of the bills which had not been previously raised."

- Governor Lingle, sharing her appreciation for Hawai`i residents' participation throughout the 2008 legislative session.



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