You are here: Home Schedule Governor Lingle's Public Schedule Public Schedule for the Week of June 9-13, 2008

Public Schedule for the Week of June 9-13, 2008

June 11, The Governor will participate in the construction ground blessing for the expansion of the Hawai‘i Children’s Discovery Center as well as the dedication of a new display at the Filipino House Exhibit. 

June 12, Governor Lingle will meet with Bong Joo Kim, the new Korean Consul General to Hawai‘i.

June 13, The Governor will recognize volunteers who have provided pro bono legal services to Hawai`i’s low income residents.  The volunteer attorneys have provided a range of services, from basic legal advice and counsel to full representation for complex court cases.

June 13, Governor Lingle will welcome members of the Odawara Jaycees who are visiting from Japan.


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