You are here: Home Schedule Governor Lingle's Public Schedule Public Schedule for the Week of August 11-16, 2008

Public Schedule for the Week of August 11-16, 2008

August 12, Governor Lingle will deliver remarks on the economy and congratulate Occidental Underwriters of Hawai‘i, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary.

August 15, HOLIDAY – Admission Day.  Admission Day, which commemorates Hawai`i's admission to the Union on August 21, 1959.  It will also mark the beginning of a year-long celebration in honor of the 50th anniversary of Statehood. Learn more about events planned by visiting the official website of the Hawai`i 50th Anniversary of Statehood Commission.

August 16, Governor Lingle and Lt. Governor Aiona will preside over a deployment ceremony for about 1,200 Hawai`i Army National Guard soldiers with the 29th Brigade Combat Team and about 500 soldiers with the Army Reserve's 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry, who will be deployed to Kuwait.  The attendees will also attempt to break the world’s record for the largest number of people involved in a group hug.

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