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Social Security Online
Benefit Calculator
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Social Security Benefit Calculator User's Guide

Detailed Calculator Home

User's guide

The user's guide for the calculator is now simply the help files that come with the calculator. The help files are in HTML format. For the Windows version, the help files are compiled into Windows HTML Help format. For the Mac OS version, the help files are available as separate HTML files.

There is no separate printed user's guide. However, if you would like a printed version of the help files, you can download a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF document that contains the help files reformatted into a printable document. To download, click on one of the following entries:

Type of file

Documentation file

Microsoft Word

anypia32.doc (828,416 bytes)

Adobe PDF

anypia32.pdf (302,292 bytes)

A PC with ANYPIA on screen

Questions or comments

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Last reviewed or modified Fri May 2, 2008
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