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Author Darlene Arden Visits Animal Welfare And Mayor Chávez

Darlene Arden, award-winning writer, lecturer, and pet author recently visited Albuquerque Animal Welfare for a tour of the Eastside Shelter and to present her latest book, "Rover, Get Off Her Leg!" to Animal Welfare Director Jeanine L. Patterson. Arden is in the midst of a trip to New Mexico. "Rover " is her fifth book, described by Susan Conant, author of Gaits of Heaven, Scratch the Surface as "a hilarious field guide to dog misdeeds that range from the annoying and embarrassing to the utterly mortifying. Fortunately for dog owners everywhere, author Darlene Arden speaks to the unspeakable with great good humor and practical wisdom." Later during her visit, Arden also visited with Mayor Martin J. Chávez and First Dog Dukes. She presented him with a copy of her latest book and talked with Mayor Chávez about their shared passion for pets. Darlene Arden is also an internationally recognized authority on toy dogs and their care.

Arden with a bookHer website is

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