Batch Versions of the Social Security Detailed Calculator
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Benefit Calculator
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Batch Versions of the Social Security Benefit Calculator

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The batch calculators

We have two versions of a console application (MS-DOS executable) that calculates a benefit for multiple cases at one time. One version (anypiab) reads multiple records from one data file. The second version (anypiac) reads multiple individual files in the format used by the Benefit Calculator. There is no user interface; these programs are designed to be used by benefit plan administrators or similar people who have a need to calculate many benefits.

These applications can be used as they are, or they can be used as a model for developing programs that interface with a database. To develop the applications beyond where they now stand, the user would need to download and compile the source code, available at Source Code for the Social Security Benefit Calculator.

A PC with ANYPIA on screen

Saved files from older versions

The format for storing earnings in saved files is different in the 2006.2 and later versions of the calculator from older versions. Old saved files will have to be modified to the new format before the calculator can read them. For more information, see our instructions for converting old saved cases.

Running anypiab

The anypiab batch calculator takes as input a file made up of cases in the usual benefit calculator format. As an example, there is a file named anypiab.pia which is simply the concatenation of all the sample*.pia files. If the input file is in the same directory as the executable, then the anypiab batch calculator is executed by typing


at a command line, pressing enter, then typing


at a command line and pressing enter. Note that the first anypiab represents anypiab.exe. Once that starts the program running, it reads the second anypiab, appends ".pia", and opens and reads anypiab.pia. Status messages come to the screen, while the results go to a file named OUTPUT. Results consist of one or more lines per case read. The information on each line of output depends on whether or not it is for a Social Security Statement:

  • For other than a Social Security Statement, the first line consists of the Social Security number, the date of birth, the PIA, the MFB, the rounded benefit amount, the age at benefit date, the PIA factor code, and a true/false indicator for the worker being insured for the benefit, if it is an old-age or disability case. There is one additional line for each family member, if any. Each line for a family member consists of the Social Security number of the worker, the date of birth of the family member, the PIA, the MFB, the unreduced benefit, the reduced benefit, the PIA factor code, the BIC, and a true/false indicator for the worker being insured for the benefit.
  • For a Social Security Statement case, the one line of output consists of the Social Security number, three retirement benefits, three survivor benefits, and two disability benefits.

If anypiab is compiled with DETAILS defined, then there is a file named details.out with detailed output.

Running anypiac

The anypiac batch calculator takes as input the name of a file which contains a list of file names. Each file referenced in the list should contain the data for one case stored in the usual benefit calculator format. As an example, there is a file named anypiac.dat which is simply a listing of all the sample*.pia files. If the file containing the file names, and all the referenced files, are in the same directory as the executable, then the anypiac batch calculator is executed by typing

anypiac < anypiac.dat

at a command line. Status messages and results are the same as for anypiab.

Downloading the batch calculators

You may download either or both of the batch calculators. The files in the table below contain the executable batch calculator and sample input file(s). (The anypiab files contain anypiab.exe and anypiab.pia; the anypiac files contain anypiac.exe, anypiac.dat, and sample*.pia.) To download, click one item from either or both of the following lines:


Self-extracting zip file

Plain zip file

Compiled anypiab

anypiabz.exe (318,840 bytes) (249,119 bytes)

Compiled anypiac

anypiacz.exe (323,945 bytes) (254,224 bytes)

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Last reviewed or modified Fri May 2, 2008