June Bryan's Biography
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June Sullivan Bryan, Chief, Mail & Reproduction DivisionJune Sullivan Bryan, Chief, Mail & Reproduction Division

June Bryan began her career with the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Extension Service in 1971 as a clerk-stenographer. She was promoted through USDA's Upward Mobility Program to a program analyst with the Extension Service Home Economics program in 1979. June's career in mail management began in 1983 as the Extension Service Penalty Mail Officer.

June is Chief of the Mail and Reproduction Management Division, Office of Operations at USDA. In this position, she also serves as the departmental mail manager and has responsibility for the development and coordination of departmental mail policy nationwide as well as providing mail, courier, copier and printing services for the USDA headquarters complex. In recent years, June organized the federal mail management community to participate in a Mail Management Initiative for the President's Council on Management Improvement (PCMI). This involved assembling a task force of experts to develop a nationwide survey document and spearheading the analytical work. She co-authored the report, which has the potential to save the government over $100,000,000 in postage costs. Much of the methodology of the PCMI report was used in the National Performance Review related to cost savings in mail management. This comprehensive study will serve as a model for use by Federal agencies in the future.

The U.S. Postal Service, the General Services Administration, the General Accounting Office and the vendor community have recognized June as a professional authority in mail management. She has received numerous awards for her efforts in the official mail program including the U. S. Postal Service Industry Excellence Award for the Federal Government.

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 OO Directors
    John A. Crew, Director of Operations
    Vacant, Deputy Director of Operations
 OO Division Heads
    Valencia Winstead
    Earl Brittingham
    June Bryan
    James Connor
    Morris Tate
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