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NOTE: Newsletters are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You must have Adobe Reader software to view.


Diversity is one of those much-used terms that we sometimes take for granted. But in the context of the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the programs we administer, diversity is a very tangible business reality. We, at SSA, serve America and every single American. And America is populated by men and women of all ages and sexual orientations who come from every ethnic, national, linguistic and religious group.

Two SSA employeesPeople from different groups have different needs and concerns; they often have different service requirements. If we are to provide each of our customers with the best service possible, we have to be aware of their needs and understand their differences. The most efficient way to do this is with a workforce that reflects America in its diversity.

Social Security provides opportunities for people from many walks of life, including people with disabilities , veterans , and those who are bilingual .

Jobs with SSA
Career Opportunities
Current Openings
How to Apply
Pay and Benefits
Where Are We Located
World of Diversity
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Last reviewed or modified Tuesday Aug 12, 2008
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