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Philadelphia Region
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Events and Services in Your Community

Unity Weekend in Philadelphia

SSA representative at exhibitSocial Security continued its proud participation in a Philadelphia tradition - Unity Weekend. Public Affairs Specialists Rich Gaudiosi and Ed Lafferty teamed with Lak Sphabmixay, Assistant District Manager and Paul Nelson, Claims Representative from the Social Security Administration (SSA) Philadelphia Downtown office to host an exhibit at the 30th Annual Unity Weekend, sponsored by WDAS-FM. The two day event at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia drew approximately 150,000 visitors. The event includes live music, abundant food and community sponsors from all over the city.
SSA representative at exhibitSSA was a sponsor for the entire event as part of its community outreach. Hundreds of hand fans and visors touting the SSA web site were handed out, along with other promotional items. Visitors asked many questions about Social Security's programs and Medicare, and publications were distributed to reinforce the answers given by the representatives. WDAS-FM, one of the founders of the Urban Contemporary format, has placed pictures of the event, including the SSA booth, on its web site.

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Last reviewed or modified Thursday Sep 11, 2008
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