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World Trade Organization (WTO)

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture under the World Trade Organization (WTO) marked a turning point in the history of the multilateral trading system. For the first time, WTO members committed to comprehensive reductions in agricultural tariffs, export subsidies, and domestic support, as well as to continuing negotiations to further liberalize agricultural trade. ERS analyzes agriculture-related issues in the WTO and other global trade liberalization efforts.


The Road Ahead: Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO, Summary Report—Agricultural trade barriers and producer subsidies inflict real costs on the countries that use these policies and on their trade partners. If trade negotiations resulted in full elimination of agricultural price-distorting policies, the results would include an annual increase in world welfare, or consumer purchasing power, of $56 billion over 15 years.

Agricultural Trade Preferences and the Developing Countries—Nonreciprocal trade preference programs originated in the 1970s as an effort by high-income developed countries to provide tariff concessions for low-income countries. This study focuses on preferential trade programs of the United States and European Union and finds that the programs offer significant benefits for some countries, mostly higher income developing countries.

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