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Russia & Former Soviet Union

Economic reforms after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 transformed Russia and other former member states from large importers of grain to large importers of meat, with significant implications for U.S. agricultural export prospects. ERS provides analysis of agricultural supply, consumption, trade, and policies for Russia and other transition economies.


Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency in Russia and Ukraine: Building on a Decade of Reform—This report reviews the evidence on the productivity of agricultural production and explores some of the causes of inefficient practices. Implementing institutional reforms would allow productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector to improve. Consequently, completing the reform program could allow Russia and Ukraine to emerge as significant grain exporters in the future.

Black Sea Grain Exports: Will They Be Moderate or Large?—This report examines the prospects for grain exports (mostly wheat) by the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States that export through the Black Sea, the largest being Russia and Ukraine. If productivity growth in the region is high, annual grain exports by Black Sea countries could rise to 30-40 million metric tons.

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