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India is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world, as well as the second most populous. Faster growth is strengthening and diversifying consumer demand and boosting India's demand for imported vegetable oils, pulses, wheat, and cotton. ERS research focuses on understanding the trade implications of changes in consumer demand, market structure, domestic and trade policy that are likely to occur as the Indian economy continues its rapid expansion.


The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India—India's economy and agricultural sector have made remarkable progress in the 57 years since independence in 1947. Now, however, the agricultural sector has outgrown the policies that contributed to past success, as strengthening consumer demand, rising subsidies, and low agribusiness investment create pressure for policy reform.

Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform—Future developments in India's food grain sector will be shaped primarily by how policies adapt to the sector's new economic environment. Some changes, such as reducing price supports and the scope of government food grain operations, would likely cut government costs, benefit consumers, allow a larger private sector role in the domestic market, and increase reliance on trade.

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