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Rice is produced worldwide and is the primary staple for more than half the world's population. The United States, while accounting for less than 2 percent of global production, is a major exporter. Because about half of the U.S. crop is exported each year, the economic viability of the U.S. rice sector is heavily influenced by activities in the global rice market. ERS analyzes events in the domestic and global rice markets that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices.


Rice Outlook—This report, which is published 11 times a year, examines supply, use, prices, and trade for rice, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries.

Rice Backgrounder—U.S. rice farming is a high-cost, large-scale operation. While domestic disappearance continues to increase, the outlook for rice farm incomes is tempered by higher production costs and continued strong competition in many international markets from lower cost Asian exporters.

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