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Cotton & Wool

Cotton accounts for nearly 40 percent of total world fiber production and is produced by some 80 countries. The United States, China, and India together provide over half the world's cotton. The U.S. wool industry, in contrast, has been moving toward smaller inventories and fewer operations since the mid-1970s. ERS analyzes events in the U.S. and international cotton and textile markets that influence supply, demand, prices, and trade.


Cotton and Wool Outlook—This report, which is published 10 times a year, examines supply, use, prices, and trade for cotton and wool, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries. It also includes data on raw-fiber equivalents of U.S. textiles and apparel trade.

Cotton Backgrounder—This report addresses key domestic and international market and policy developments that have affected the U.S. cotton sector in recent years. It provides an analysis of the competition among crops for domestic farmland and the international supply and demand for cotton and cotton products.

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