You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2006 March 3, 2006- Pedestrian Safety – Crosswalk Laws

March 3, 2006- Pedestrian Safety – Crosswalk Laws

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A new state law that went into effect earlier this year requires motorists to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. 

Still, many of our residents continue to be put at risk by drivers who fail to yield the right-of-way.

The Lingle-Aiona Administration is proposing tough new measures that would place traffic violators in jail, revoke their driving privileges and increase fines for failing to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.

We are pleased that these proposals are moving forward in the Legislature.  Once passed, they would serve as a strong reminder to every driver who gets behind the wheel that we each have an obligation to make sure pedestrians are safe when they cross the street. 

Please drive carefully and walk carefully.  Together, we can save lives.

Mahalo. This is Lt. Governor Duke Aiona.

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